This looks pretty useful, especially for work since we rip through hundreds of files for zipping and unzipping.
The idea and snippet are from Corey Goldberg's
post sharing the work he did to improve a bit of recursive zipping code. I extended what he made to include command line options and some usage help, complete with lazy loading in case somebody wants to use it as a library later. Just wanted to share and record for my own purposes.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, zipfile
def zipper(dir, zip_file):
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
root_len = len(os.path.abspath(dir))
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
archive_root = os.path.abspath(root)[root_len:]
for f in files:
fullpath = os.path.join(root, f)
archive_name = os.path.join(archive_root, f)
print f
zip.write(fullpath, archive_name, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
return zip_file
if '__main__' == __name__:
# Late import, in case this project becomes a library, never to be run as main again
import optparse
# Populate our options, -h/--help is already there for you
usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
version="%prog 1.0"
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version)
parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="inputDir", default="~/test", action="store", help="sets the input directory to something other than the default (~/test)")
parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="outputFile", default="~/temp/", action="store", help="sets the output zip file to something other than the default (~/temp/")
# Parse the arguments (defaults to parsing sys.argv)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Here would be a good place to check what came in on the command line and
# call parser.error("Useful message") to exit if all is not well
if len(args) > 0 and (1 != options.inputDir or 1 != options.outputFile):
parser.error("Additional arguments are not supported\nYou can only change the inputDir or outputFile using the -d and -f options.\nType -h for help.\n")
# Do the actual work
zipper(options.inputDir, options.outputFile)