Over the past few days I've been messing around with node.js trying to figure it out. The fundamental thing I've been struggling with is the event-driven programming, which I've never done before. This whole process has been a substantial change in how I think about problem solving with software.
So why am I looking at node.js? Essentially I'm interested in having a very light weight server for a data logging application. The idea is the data logger should be able to take the sensor measurements and push them to a server on the local network. The server will store the values in some manner (maybe a small database, maybe a file). A webpage could be hosted to present the recorded data.
I have some experience with setting up a LAMP stack, but my intuition is that having an Apache server (though it will work) may be a bit overkill for what I'm envisioning. So I'm exploring alternative technology that may be out there.
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