Monday, July 6, 2009

Arduino + Fridge + Beer = Happiness

Now this is a project worth working on =P link

this is the code from the project. there is likely some cleanup that can be done, or expansion.

Purpose: Temperature Regulator for a Kegerator with LCD display.
Using a LM35 and Arduino to check temperature and display current temp to an LCD.
Also the Arduino will turn a Solid State Relay on/off within a defined temp range
-LM35 connected to 5V, Grd, Analog Pin 0
-Serial LCD connected to 5V, Grd, Digital Pin 1 (tx pin)
-SS Relay connected to Grd, Digital Pin 12
-Back Light Button connected to Digital Pin 3, Grd, 5V via 10K resistor (pin pulled HIGH in open state).

Many thanks to Brutus@ and Mikal @ the Arduino forums for all the help and inspiration!

#define ledPin 13 // LED connected to digital pin 13
#define lm35 0 // LM35 on Analog 0
#define blightPin 3 // Momentary switch for back light to digital pin 3
#define relayPin 7 // Relay connected to digital pin 7

unsigned long last_temperature_check_time = 0;
unsigned long last_lcd_turn_on_time = 0;

void sendlcd(byte command) //Quick function to send LCD commands.
Serial.print(command, BYTE);

void setup() // run once, when the sketch starts
analogReference(INTERNAL); //using internal voltage reference ~1.1v
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
pinMode(lm35, INPUT); // sets the analog pin as input
pinMode(blightPin, INPUT); // sets the digital pin as input
pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);


delay(1000); //Let Ports Stabilize

sendlcd(27); //Reset Command For LCD

delay(500); //Full Reset takes a bit

sendlcd(254); //Clear and Go Home on LCD
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); //turn off LED

//new loop with millis... sweet

void loop() // run till the end of days or the beer runs out...
unsigned long time = millis();
if (time - last_temperature_check_time > 20000) //has it been 20 seconds?
{ last_temperature_check_time = time;
digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH); //turn on LED for running routine status

//Check Temperature routine
long temp;
long temp1;
long temp2;
long temp_x;
int lm35_val=0;

//delay(500); //Delay to allow stabilized analog read.. not needed?
lm35_val=analogRead(lm35); //read value of center leg of LM35
temp = lm35_val; //output voltage of LM35, 10mV = 1 Degree Celcius
temp1=temp/10; //creates true Celcius reading
temp2=temp%10; //modulus operation to calculate remainder for higher resolution reading

if (temp2 >= 5){

//Send temperature to LCD routine
sendlcd(254); //Clear LCD Screen
Serial.println("Current Temp"); //Print "Current Temp" message
Serial.print(temp1); //Print CelsuisTemperature
Serial.print("."); //Print decimal place
Serial.print(temp2); //Print "Tenths" place
sendlcd(223); //Print degree charater
Serial.print("C"); //Print "C" for Celsuis

digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW); //Turn off LED

//Turn Relay on/off routine
if ((temp1) > 7 ) //check temp is above x degrees
digitalWrite (relayPin, HIGH); //if temp is above x degrees turn pin "ON"
else if ((temp1) < last_lcd_turn_on_time =" time;"> 10000) // has it been 10 seconds?
sendlcd(27); //Turn back light off


1 comment:

  1. mmmm.... beeerrr....

    now we need an Arduino-matic beef jerky machine...
